Fenton Arts

Stories of a Painter and a Filmmaker

work after the year 2000 » Humans in the Garden of Eden triptych 43″x 99″ oil on birch panel 2023


The Fusion of divine creation and evolutionary science in a triptych painting using contemporary figures to help us see ourselves at the beginning of human existence. Land, sky
and water are interchangeable depending on their relationships to the figures. The Garden of Eden is the planet Earth.

Left panel: African indigenous couple are blended in a lush grassy landscape representing the first human ancestors.

Center Panel: Semi-transparent figures mingle with monkeys signaling the gradual emergence of humans from other primates.

Right Panel: Adam and Eve appear in this panel honoring Lucas Cranach the Elder, a 16th century Renaissance painter. A large monkey occupies the center position, bridging the gap between mythological and biological origins.

Throughout the triptych, red cardinals recur as symbols of hope and transformation linking the panels into unified narrative.